Tool support
With 3 sites, we are one of the largest independent 2nd-stage supporter for injection and die-casting tools in Germany.
Customers in Germany like to work with us and the toolmakers as early as the development phase.
You will receive comprehensive know-how in the area of design, the design of tools for optimal series production, as well as efficient project management.
We form the interface between you, the toolmaker, and the OEM/T1/T2.
Our proximity to your customers - geographically, technically, culturally as well as linguistically - offers you the potential of additional support in the acquisition of new orders.
Depending on the project, we offer support in:
Landing service, second stage support, project support and tryout.
For injection and die casting tools in Germany and Europe.
Problems with your tool?
Contact our 24/7 tool service hotline: +49 160 90 50 29 19
Our services
Landing Service
- Three locations in the geographical heart of Germany and Europe
Second Stage Support
- Change management
- Optimisation of third-party moulds up to series maturity
- Maintenance & Servicing
- On-site service
Project support
- Support in all phases of the tool project (from article evaluation to monitoring of series production)
- Application technology up to 4000 t (2k) for injection moulding
- Application technology up to 3200 t for die casting
- Own application technicians
Digital Networked Support
In order to perform, communicate, document and analyze the support measures quickly and transparently, we use our tool support management platform "TSM".
The TSM platform can be integrated over the entire tool life cycle. It is used for order management, error analysis and as knowledge database for the series production.
Developed in cooperation with our customers and programmed in-house, the TSM platform can be used as an efficient tool for predictive maintenance, thus increasing tool availability and reducing unplanned downtimes in series production.
Served industries
Electronics & white goods
Medical & laboratory technology
Further Information
Your contact persons
Stefan Klem
Managing Director
sales / precision tools
Tel: +49 160 975 29 559
Markus Rodowski
international project management
key account mms
Tel: +49 151 200 29 056
Jörg Seibert
Tool support
Site Marburg
key account Europe / Asia
Tel: +49 151 467 50 798